Cheri, Northwest Minnesota
Cheri has supported gardening as well as food and agriculture-related education at her early care. While the garden suffered losses from deer and hail, Cheri l says “we still managed to harvest some things and the losses were a valuable lesson as well.” The kids made their own flour using a grain mill, and are working toward their own cookbook centering gluten free recipes to accommodate dietary needs at her early care. They also learned about bees and have their own hive - this year, “the bees turned out to ‘bee’ the star of the show”!
Cheri says, “We started with most of the kids afraid of bees. We ended the summer with, ‘Cheri, look! A bee is resting on my jacket! Awww, hey little fuzzy buzzy’.” Cheri like beekeeping so much she is expanding next year. What an amazing learning opportunity for the kids at Cheri’s early care!