Minnesota Farm to Kids Strategic Plan

Farm to School and Early Care partners in Minnesota are working to develop our state’s first Farm to Kids Strategic Plan. This plan will provide a vision and roadmap for how to increase local food purchasing and food education over the next 3-5 years in schools and early care settings across the state.   

Once developed, this strategic plan will be implemented collaboratively by the members of the Minnesota Farm to School Leadership Team and the Minnesota Farm to Early Care Advisory Group–which include staff from the Minnesota Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Health, University of Minnesota Extension, and nonprofit partners such as Renewing the Countryside and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. 

The intention for the Minnesota Farm to Kids strategic plan is to:  

  • strategically align and coordinate efforts to increase local food purchasing and food education in schools and early care settings;   

  • provide better support to Minnesota producers, schools, and early care providers; and  

  • build and advance equity in our food system.  

Development of Minnesota’s Farm to Kids Strategic Plan is supported by a USDA Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant received by the MDA. 

Learn more about the Farm to Kids Strategic Plan in the video below:

Plan Development & Timeline 

Farm to School and Early Care touches many people in our state – producers, food hubs, and distributors, school nutrition professionals, teachers, families, kids, and community members. Since February 2024, Farm to School and Early Care Partners have been engaging with stakeholders around the state through focus groups, small and large group conversations, individual interviews, and visioning sessions held at the Farm to School Roadshow events. Ideas and feedback collected through these various activities are being used to build and refine the priorities, goals, and strategies for the Farm to Kids Strategic Plan.  

The MDA and its partners plan to announce the final strategic plan in October 2024, in celebration of Farm to School and Early Care Month.

Upcoming Ways to Engage: Farm to Kids Public Input Sessions 

There are two public input sessions happening in May 2024. All members of the public are welcome to participate, including — but not limited to — farmers, school nutrition professionals, early care providers, food system partners, and educators. Participants will be asked to provide input on strategies for expanding initiatives like school and early care food purchasing from Minnesota producers, food and agriculture education, school gardens, and effective cross-sector collaboration.   

The two input sessions will be held using Microsoft Teams, and registration is requested: 

Input Session #1
Thursday, May 23, 2024
3-4 p.m.
Register for this event. 

Input Session #2
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Register for this event.  


Questions? Please contact Kate Seybold, MDA Farm to Institution Coordinator at Kate.Seybold@state.mn.us.